Saturday, December 11, 2010
Interesting Quote

Friday, December 10, 2010
Evil Intent

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cause for Concern

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I'd Rather Skip Church, Thank You Very Much...

Monday, September 20, 2010
On Faith...
I Believe in God, But Don't Go Overboard...
The good news is there is no such thing as a nominal Christian. So what's the bad news? There is no such thing as a nominal Christian. Christ spoke about what it means to have only a lukewarm faith. Click the link below and navigate to a web page so you can hear my latest sermon message, "I Believe in God, But Don't Go Overboard":
*you will see something that looks like the graphic below, that will allow you to press
play on the arrow icon:

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Trusting Reason

I have reposted the article below from one of my past entries. I do so because as of late, I am fascinated with God all over again. One of the greatest powers that man possesses is his ability to reason. One of the greatest gifts that can happen to you and I is that - from time to time - we step back and take a look at this power, and we come face to face with that divine "mind behind the curtain." I say it is a gift, because without it, we could not even begin to perceive the greatness of it. Enjoy the read:
I have sat in wonderment while listening to someone attempt to assert that "It is logical to deduce that one can understand that everything around us comes only from materialism." For many years this statement felt wrong to me, but I wasn't sure why. Then I was introduced to the following bit of reasoning by a little known Evangelist named Don Johnson (no, not the actor - the minister!).
It goes something like this: If we assert that everything we know comes from the logical grouping of materialistic evidence, then how can we trust logic or reason in general? In other words, if everything came into being via random chance, evolution, and/or materialism, then there is no reason to think that 'reason itself' is exempt from this randomness. Or think of it this way; if you maintain that logic and reason provide to us a way of manipulating different hypothesis and premises in a way that surpasses the premises themselves (a.k.a. "thinking"), then how can you trust that the reason or logic you are using to think about those premises is sound? If you are a strict materialist, you cannot!
Think about it, this isn't a slight of hand trick. Let's look at one more example to drive the point home. We will do it by way of a fictional narrative. Let's say that Bill claims that we exist in a closed system that only consists of material, and that there exists no supernatural component. Bill then says that he came to this conclusion by checking out all of the scientific data around him, and making reasonable and logical conclusions based on that data. He then came to the conclusion that given what he knows - there is no God. Only atoms and particles and matter.
Bill symbolizes many modern day thinkers that throw out the baby with the bathwater so to speak. How can Bill possibly trust that his use of logic is correct, if there is nothing outside this closed natural realm governing it? In other words, if logic doesn't exist apart from (and outside of) this closed system, then it cannot be used as a trustworthy means by which to make any valid judgements about that system. It is simply also part of the system. Of course no one really believes this. Most of us know that logic and reason are in fact more significant than this, so much so that we take if for granted.
You can argue possibly that straight logic (A, then B, then C) is a result of our experiences within this materialistic system. But we cannot assert that this other thing, this function of our existence that can take two or more separate premises or ideas and then decide between them is just instinct or experience. It is more like a governor or an overseer. It is that faculty within us that can step outside of the boundaries of the material only world, and guide our decisions with something more like a consciousness than a reaction or an instinct. It is reason in this sense of the word that is our signpost pointing to something greater, something beyond the normal everyday chain of events we see around us. I believe God has given us this gift of truth. It is what separates us from all other species of animal.
It would be easy for someone to get this one wrong. If they maintain that they are fearfully and wonderfully made; intelligent, logical, and capable of great reasoning skills which far surpass that of any other creature, and that they possess all of this on their own - then they are only half right. We are not our own creators. We have free-will sure enough. God did not create a legion of robots or automatons. But the vehicle for interpreting our world is much more than just a physical brain full of firing neurons and synapses. The brain is the house, what lives inside is different.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Truth Quote
Can You Hear the Still, Small Voice?

Friday, August 20, 2010
Hitchens is Hedging his Bet
I do not think this is good news, nor is it humorous. It is not a check in the "win" column for theists by any means. Hitchens was a good debater and a formidable opponent. Let's face it, he sharpened the Christians apologists. I have included the video below because in it (I think) he begins to drop the "atheism routine" to a degree, and simply expresses those same emotions and thoughts that anyone in his situation would have. He is the most subdued and reserved that I have ever seen him here.
At the end of the interview he maintains that he will in no way become "redeemed." He will never accept God. There are hundreds of prayer groups wishing him well. I will also wish him well. In Christ, death has no victory, and true believers have experienced the difference Faith can make. May God perform a small miracle for this man who has berated His good name at every turn, and in so, showing that no one is outside of the Hope of salvation until they take their last breath. There is still time for Christopher Hitchens to repent. Let's pray that he listens to God in the weeks to come.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Am I Lukewarm?


Mark Batterson (Lead pastor, National Community Church), quotes the following statistic; he says “70% of non-believers worship and get their theology from movies & music.” This is staggering to me. At first I thought it was silly, but if we stop and think about it a while... is it so silly? Think of the way we react to the Harry Potter series, or young tween-age girls respond to the Twilight films.
Proverbs 19:18 says “Discipline your son, for in that there is hope; do not be a willing party to his death.” Now the key word in this piece of Scripture is "discipline." It assumes an action on the part of the parent. The point is, I think, that we need to do something with our kids to help fight against the prevailing culture. We cannot - I'm afraid - do nothing! Parking them in front of the television for hours at a time, sending them to their room just to get them out of our hair, or relinquishing them over to their friends without supervision are all examples of transferring the duties of parenting. Now please don't assume that I am completely clean regarding all of this when it comes to my own kids. I have 3 young ones, and it can get overwhelming. Compromises are sometimes made.
Everything in this world either belongs to God, or to the Devil. The Bible tells us there is no middle ground. If we are right in line with popular culture, then we are playing for the wrong team. We must actively instill in our kids, therefore, a value system (preferably by example)… or the culture will win.
It is easy to float into autopilot with our full-time jobs, our children’s sports, our busy summers, etc. But children WILL be influenced by something, so try not to miss out on being the one who does the influencing - especially when they are young. What a gift this responsibility is.
Interesting Quote
Monday, July 12, 2010
Food for Thought...

Interesting Quote
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Evidence vs. Conclusions

Sunday, June 20, 2010
Religion Never Works

Tired of the religious proud? Tired of being held up to some sort of unwritten rule or compared with "so-and-so" who goes to church 3 times a week and throws it in your face whenever you see them? So are we. There is a famous saying that goes, "the single greatest cause of atheism is the Christian who honors God with their lips, but acts otherwise in their actions." Today I heard the statistic that only 10% of churches in America are growing, and only 2% of that 10% are new converts. In other words, the American church is dying - and I think we "churched folk" may have something to do with it.
I was fortunate enough to give a talk a week ago at church entitled, "Religion Never Works." In it I defined Religion as either the Old Testament law, or anything that human beings have added to the Bible itself. In essence, God has told us A,B, and C through the Bible, but man has added D, E, and F on his own accord. If you have been a victim of religion, or simply witnessed it in other people; I understand, and I sympathize. Religion as defined above leads to 1 of 3 things: 1.) Pride, 2.) Spiritual Death, or 3.) Frustration. Allow me to explain.
God has the following to say regarding religion (in fact the book of Galatians is packed full of plain advice on this subject):
* God judges the Heart, not the external appearance (Gal 2:6, 4:9-10). One does not have to follow strange rules or practices, observe certain days and special feasts, or get everything perfect in order to gain salvation.
* We cannot Earn our way to Heaven (Gal 2:20, 3:10). If we are relying on our own ability to follow the 10 commandments in order to prove ourselves worthy to God, then the Bible tells us we must not slip up even a little. If we have ever told a lie, then we have broken "the law" in God's eyes. If we have ever coveted or lusted after anything, we have broken the law. We are - in effect - powerless to secure salvation through our own works or actions. Being a fairly nice person isn't good enough.
* Religion can turn into Pride (Matt 23:6, 23:15). When Jesus was on earth, the people that REALLY ticked him off were the religious proud. They were called the Pharisees and the Saducees. Listen to what Christ says about people who act pious on the outside, but endorse the spirit of bondage and hatefulness on the inside, (Matt 23:27) "You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and everything unclean."
So then, now that we know what religion can do in our lives and in the church, what can we do to stop it? Essentially I believe the Bible commands us to do a number of things. We are to stay humble, stay in Christ, Love God and other people, and live by the Holy Spirit. We are saved by Faith in Jesus Christ alone. Not by trying really hard to be good, or by going to church as much as possible, or even by working in the church or teaching Bible study. It is by accepting Christ and being baptised that we gain the privilege of going to heaven when we die.
You will note, by the way, that going to church and teaching Bible study, etc are all great things. It's just that doing good things and being really nice to people isn't God's only criterion. If it were, then Jesus would not have had to die on a cross for humanity. And one more thing. Some have argued that because we are saved through Faith alone, we can throw out the Bible and any moral code therein. Here is the key difference between religiosity and Faith: we love God, so we obey Jesus (and his commands), we don't obey his commands, and then earn his love. Big difference. Religion doesn't work... Jesus does.
I'm sorry if this article has offended anyone. I am simply trying to convey the good news that the Bible teaches. If you are currently judging someone because they aren't living up to your religious expectations; please stop. If you are currently bad-mouthing other world religions or denominations; please stop. Instead offer love, and point people to Jesus. If you are reading this and are even remotely curious as to what all the hoopla is about, perform a search of this blog for the article "So... How Am I Saved?."
It's up to the people who attend church to actually "be the church." Remember what is at stake, and take it seriously. If you are saved today, it's because God extended you the grace to choose Christ, and probably because there was someone who took the time to help you and answer questions. Be that person.
The link below will get you to the audio of my sermon message, the same one that I have outlined above. There was an opening skit at the beginning of my talk, but it isn't included in the audio. It is roughly 24 minutes long, if you have time, click on the link below; and then select 'Religion Never Works' and give it a listen:
Monday, June 14, 2010
Million Dollar Mansions and False Messiahs

When I first read these words in the Bible 8 years ago, I remember thinking to myself, "who would actually fall for this? Who would actually follow some guy saying he was Jesus?" Recently 20/20 ran a broadcast of 3 men who literally think they are Jesus come in the flesh. One is a Russian policeman, the other a homeless man from London, and the last one a successful pastor in the Philippines. The latter lives in a million dollar mansion surrounded by gates and boasts thousands of followers.
This is scary stuff. I mean David Koresh is one thing, but people with thousands upon thousands of followers? Fortunately the Bible also adds the following clarification for people who may be deceived about the true second coming (Matt 24:26) "So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."
I must have missed the shout from the heavens and the lightening bolt. Rest assured, Jesus has not come back yet. In the meantime, click on the link below and enjoy the 20/20 excerpt. It will make you giggle, while at the same time giving you pause for concern:
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Science of Man

If we stop and think about this, it is almost reflective of some strange Sci-fi movie. In fact a recent feature film called ‘Splice’ deals with this idea of creating a being synthetically. Of course in the movie things do not go smoothly. But what if Venter’s claims are true, not just science-fiction? I think this would mean an incredible advancement for human life as we know it. The ability to invent and create alternate fuel sources. No more offshore drilling disasters. No more cleaning up beaches. Think of the impact this could have on disease prevention. We are human beings of course, so there will also be the temptation to pervert this type of technology for financial gain and/or terror. What could the ability to play God do to the psyche of a malevolent, tyrannical leader? What if Hitler had the A-Bomb?
But that is really the question, isn’t it? Playing God. The ethical and moral considerations on something like this are off the charts. Can it even be governed? It was interesting to hear Venter discuss his findings in the TED video (I have attached the link below in case you want to listen). He uses terms like Evolution and Design in the same breath. In fact, more often than not, Ventor speaks about designing and creating. These acts of course pre-dispose that there is someone to do the designing. If we break down what his team is doing – at least as I understand it – they are taking something designed, using an intelligence (the human intellect) to alter this design, and them plugging it back into nature in an intentional and organized manner. Nothing here really gives me any reason to conjecture that Venter and his team are able to play God. They are simply taking something out of nature, copying it, altering it, and re-introducing it back into the world.
If he does pull off a new creation, good or bad, this would be immense. But we need to keep in mind that everything we use to manipulate our biological world was here for us to begin with already. We split the atom, but the atom was already around; we just discovered it, and then abused it. The Institute for Genomic Research is trying to create artificial biological life forms, but they would still be life forms made up of a combination of what was already here + the human intellect. The bigger question I think would not be “have we become our own gods?”, but rather, “how will we use the intellect and technology that the real God has allowed us to possess?” How we decide to play out this scenario will demonstrate whether or not we are worthy of this power. Let’s hope that God is more than just a fleeting thought in the minds of those who wield this technological sword. I would sleep a little better at night, at least, if the people piloting that boat were submitting to an intelligence greater than our own. The stakes are bigger now, the bar has been raised.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The Big Picture: Is There a God?

· People sitting in churches often don’t really believe -- this is lukewarm Christianity
· God is real, not just an idea
· Atheism is popular and fashionable today – people need to be reminded about God
· Lets Discuss: 1.) Philosophical Evidences of God, 2.) Historical Evidences of God, 3.) Our ability to choose
II. Philosophical Evidences of God
· The Moral Argument
- that annoying right and wrong thing built into our consciousness
- does not come from evolution
- is more than learned behavior; we can teach it, but we did not invent it
- morality therefore, comes from God
· Everything has a First Cause
- There cannot be an infinite regress; something must have started everything
- Universe must have been caused (big bang, singularity theory)
- Nothing can exist without being caused, and that first cause must exist outside the thing which it caused. In other words: God!
III. Historical Evidences of God
· The Bible can be trusted. New Testament as historical documents
· Evidences that Jesus existed from NON-Biblical accounts (Josephus, Tacitus, etc.)
· New Testament does not refer to Him as “just a good man” or “a good teacher”, but something more than that
- Christ was either lying about His deity, or He was crazy, or He was actually the Son of God. You make the choice.
IV. An Important Choice
· Now that we have come this far, what will you do with this information?
· God’s road-map gets us to Heaven; we are not left alone to wander aimlessly through life
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Driscoll on the Evil that Men Do
Driscoll is preaching on young men that have abandoned any and all Biblical leadership and responsibility in their lives. They are mistreating their girlfriends and wives. After the shock value of the footage below wore off; I was left wondering what the faces of those individuals must have looked like in the audience. If they deserved this lecture, did they know it?
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Head Coach

Hebrews 12:2 says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” This instructs us to view Jesus as a model or a coach, and to accept and expect hardship for His name. The message of the Cross is offensive to most people. It is neither apologetic nor compromising. It simply says, “Jesus is from God, and only He offers salvation through a blood atonement.”
Hebrews 12:7-8 further says, “Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons.” We are speaking here of how we are to endure our trials. As discipline with trust toward God, not simply as hopeless situations.
We are coached continuously by Jesus. We suffer at times, He suffered also. We are joyful, so was Jesus. I believe these 2 verses from Hebrews come together to tell us that we are to recognize Christ as Spiritual Mentor in 2 ways: 1.) as a model or example, and 2.) as a coach.
To Him we are to look for FAITH, and from Him we are to accept what is given, also in FAITH.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
God is in the Business of Love

Sunday, May 9, 2010
Interesting Quote
The Cosmological Constant

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Avatar and the Public Consciousness

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Interesting Quote
Monday, April 19, 2010
Modesty, Where Have You Gone?
Trust vs. Fear

We can apply this parable in terms of literal financial repayment (as mentioned in the first article I quoted above), but I am speaking here of Spiritual Repayment. What causes us to take what Jesus has given us (either money, our individual gifts, anything) and hold onto it like a miser? The answer I think is FEAR. The first 2 servants trusted their master and put the talents to work for them… the last servant was afraid. He could repay his master nothing, other than the same amount that was given. There was no return on any investment.
TRUST causes INCREASE. Fear causes stagnation and death. This is a literal principal, as well as a spiritual one. If you hang on to something for dear life, you will lose it. If you are generous and Trust in God, you will gain what you need, with all the rest rolled in. Notice I didn’t say what you want, rather what you need!
So then, in whom are we trusting?
Can We Survive Atheism?
Driscoll discusses the truth that if atheism is followed to its philosophical conclusion, then the items below must be true:
* we are ultimately alone
* our existence came from nothing (we are happy accidents)
* we have no real purpose
* this life is all there is
* everyone we know will eventually be forgotten
* we are a temporary blip on the radar screen of the cosmos, nothing more
I’ve said this before, but if this seems a little too depressing and ugly – it’s because it IS! Human beings were not designed to exist as independent and detached entities. Plugging into anything other than God is only a temporary high. Money, success, hobbies, work… you name it; the rush only lasts so long. Even human romance is fleeting. But when we are plugged into God we find a force to sustain us in a different way. Never boring (remember I’m talking about the living God – NOT religion), always faithful. This may sound like more heart-tugging and less like science & logic, but it is more than that. Check out the evidence in favor of God, look around at the other posts on this website even. There is reason to believe that there is something in which we can put our trust and faith, and that it won’t let us down the same way everything else can. It’s amazing what happens when we realize that our existence actually matters.
God's Call on Our Lives
I can think of no greater defender of the Gospel message than the apostle Paul. Prior to his radical conversion on the road to Damascus, Sa...

There are more than a few public figures today that are espousing theories or modes of logic detrimental to Christianity in particular, but ...
Evangelist and author Dr. Erwin Lutzer tells a fascinating story when asked about the difference between current cultural norms versus Scrip...