Sunday, March 20, 2022

A Faithful Remnant

The standard definition of the word remnant means a portion left over.  This begs the question of course, as to what composes this portion in the first place.  Another way to think of it is to ask what is the remnant being set aside from?  If we start with a Biblical perspective, however, I believe it becomes a lot easier to narrow down the topic at hand.  People who have devoted time to studying the Old Testament will tell you that it is an account of God attempting to set apart and preserve a remnant of His holy people, in spite of all of the various trials and conflicts that have plagued the Israelites throughout history.  God edifies them no matter how many times they rebel or disappoint Him.  And believe me, there were plenty of times when they fell short.    

Let's begin with a nod toward Isaiah 10:21-21, which talks about how God helps Israel stand up to the Assyrian army.  It says, "In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.  A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God."

We see here that those who have been set aside from the rest of the pack can now be free to rely on God's guidance.  The Assyrians were no better at avoiding idol worship than anyone else, indeed, Scripture says they were worse in many ways.  The remnant of God's chosen people are called to be different; they are set apart.

If we visit the peculiar story of Sodom and Gomorrah, we see how God also works to set aside a small portion of the population once sin begins to run rampant.  To be accurate, only three survived this historical event.  Genesis 19 mentions how Abraham bargains with God to spare any righteous people who may happen to live in these two cities, prior to their destruction.  God agreed to spare the town if He could find at least fifty people who weren't corrupted.  No such luck.  The number of righteous eventually tapered down to only Lot and his daughters.  Even Lot's wife ignores God at the very end and becomes a pillar of salt for her disobedience.  

I think we can see that the remnant in the Bible really equates to a group of true believers.  Untarnished and set aside, they are kept holy and separate from whatever sin or apostasy happens to take hold at the time.  Believers of Christ are the remnant today as well.  We are small when compared to the entire world, but rest assured - no less important.

What are we being set apart from?  Take your pick.  Some have postulated that there is a recent falling away (or apostasy) in the modern church itself, that spans across all denominations and geographic locations.  Churches willing to sacrifice the tenants of their faith in order to bow to current cultural values and mores.  

There is sin prevalent in other areas as well.  Look at the greed on display in some of the banking practices here in the West.  Think about the sins against family and marriage such as pornography and sexual promiscuity outside of Biblical boundaries.  Or sins against children directly, such as abortion and human trafficking.  There is no shortage of things to which without God's direct intervention, there would be no remnant left to preserve.  

But Jesus grants us hope, doesn't he?  Our Lord has promised to return one day, and until then, his Holy Spirit remains behind to help guide and convict people here on Earth.  We need this accountability, and we need his forgiveness also.

When Jesus does in fact return, what kind of remnant will he find?  Let's look at Luke 18:8 quickly, to the parable of the persistent widow.  It describes the desperate situation of a widow who continually harangues a judge to grant her justice against an adversary.  Although the judge doesn't like her, he eventually grants her this wish, just so she will finally leave him alone.  

We then get this curious question from Jesus in Luke 18:8 which asks, "I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly.  However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"

This is a rhetorical question I think, but it does illustrate a certain concept when it comes to the remnant of Christ.  Namely, the idea of whether or not we (the believers) are ready.  Do we accept being set apart and made for something better?  Have we stayed faithful and true to God the Father until the return of the King?

Fortunately for you and I, we have help with this daunting task.  Dare I say that without God's help, it would be impossible to remain set apart.  Faith is a gift after all, and that not of our own doing.  It is a grace extended to us on the part of a Holy Savior to His struggling people.  Just like the Israelites in the desert, our world is lost right now.  Mired so often in sin, and unable to find the path which leads to the narrow gate and the offer of eternal salvation.  

Rest assured, God is our teacher and comforter, able to guide us through.  Be bold and courageous with the knowledge that you have been bought at a ransom and set aside to do great things.  Lean into the legacy you have been given.  Be the remnant, faithful and true.  



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