Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Culture vs. Scripture

Evangelist and author Dr. Erwin Lutzer tells a fascinating story when asked about the difference between current cultural norms versus Scriptural values.  He begins describing a time when he went to a country club to play golf with a friend.  Beside a pond that they were standing next to, Lutzer noticed a mother duck's nest, partially hidden behind some brush.  When he walked over and took a closer look, he noticed that the nest contained a single golf ball!  The poor mother duck had mistaken it for an egg, and would soon be in for a disappointment after months go by, and no baby duckling emerges.  

Although humorous, Dr. Lutzer's point was that the mother duck had been deceived early on, and taken in what she considered to be the genuine article.  It equates to people thinking that they are worshipping the real God in Heaven, but finding out later that a false, culture-produced version of the Lord isn't going to save them.  In the same way that this poor duck was convinced she was going to be a mother someday - people all around us are guarding and nurturing a faith that may not be Scriptural or true.  

There is very real pressure for churches in the West today to begin making allowances and accommodations in order to let in fashionable beliefs and trends.  For example, some pastors may think that if their church doesn't bend to current cultural norms, they may lose parishioners.  Or take for example the extremely popular liberal ideology which says that we shouldn't ever judge sin, people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt someone else, and God is more like a fun uncle than a strict parent.  Although this diagnosis sounds odd, I do believe that many churches subscribe to this way of thinking.  

2 Thessalonians 2:15 says, "So then brothers and sisters, stand firm and hold fast to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter."  Here the apostle Paul is exhorting his readers to remain faithful, and not to let any other false doctrine or tradition supersede what Jesus actually said and did.  Apparently, this type of thing happened two-thousand years ago also, and required several letters from Paul to help keep believers on track.

And I think this is where the modern church finds itself today.  Many have gone apostate and shifted from Christ's commandments altogether in order to begin reflecting the passions of our current time (pro-choice abortion ethics, religious universalism, veneration of sexual sin, etc.).  

A good many other churches have begun the slow but steady process of leaving the faith one small step at a time, through a series of little concessions.  "It's okay to compromise on this or that, as long as we don't go too far" you might hear them say.  But one step in the wrong direction often invites others to follow, and before too long, the entire congregation may become spiritually lost.  Such is the power that pastors and leaders possess.  

If you are in a Biblical church that follows a Scriptural pastor, then take a moment now to give thanks and praise to God above.  If you aren't sure, then test what is taught in your church against Scripture itself; never take a leader's opinion as the ultimate truth unless it lines up with what the Word says in print.  Faithful  Christians will need to stay strong and stick together during these coming times of lukewarm religion and false teaching.  Remember always: the pulpit is designed to preach Scripture - not politics, opinion, or cultural trends.  

Not long ago, my own church engaged in an old tradition known as an alter call.  The pastor asked anyone in the congregation who wanted to accept Christ to come forward and kneel.  It was an awesome thing to behold.  In my heart I felt joy.  Not just for those who came forward that morning, but because I was confident about the type of faith they were accepting.  It was the Scriptural Jesus, and the Christian God.  I hope and pray the same for all of you who are reading this today.  May the true God of the Bible bless you and cover you.  Jesus didn't die on the cross for a "golf ball religion."  He died for you and I, so that we wouldn't be abandoned to sin.  


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