Tuesday, February 2, 2021

An End Times Discussion

One thing we can count on when things get chaotic or anxious at a national level, is that people start talking about Biblical end times prophecy.  This is called eschatology, or the study of final things.  There has never been a book more quoted and also more misunderstood than Revelation.  It is John of Patmos' depiction of what Jesus told him regarding the end of time.  Revelation is constructed of some historical accounts, followed by some apocalyptic language, mixed with rich metaphor and symbolism.  Add to this the fact that the text jumps around forward and backward in chronological time, and you have a set of Scriptures that demand faithful study to be able to properly unpack them.  If you read through this book, please do so with an eye toward every other book in the Bible - it cannot be taken out of context or as a standalone text.  

As a result (and as you may have guessed) a good many well-meaning people get these prophecies wrong.  They either attempt to use them to instill fear, or to line up with their political view and agenda.  Some have asked if wearing a facemask is the mark of the beast.  Others have mentioned that getting the new coronavirus vaccine makes them vulnerable to some type of new world order, bent on our destruction.  Though I don't believe either of these statements to be true, they do demonstrate that people are nervous.  They are looking for answers to difficult questions.  Let's take a look at what the Bible actually says about the end times, and then draw some conclusions.  

Revelation 13:16-18 says, "It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name."  

Now if you Google "mark of the beast" on the Internet, you will find about half a million results.  You will read people's opinions about microchips, one world governments, and everything in between.  I have a feeling that the deeper you go down this rabbit hole, the further you will get from the truth of Scripture.  But alas, the temptation to compare current events with the book of Revelation is sometimes irresistible, and maybe occasionally warranted.   

We then back up and read Revelation 13:11-13 which says, "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth.  It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon.  It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and it's inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.  And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people."  

With these two pieces of Scripture firmly in our mind, we now have a portrait of a king or political leader and a false prophet who will work together.  In other words, imagine the Antichrist as 'Leader X', and his priest who walks beside him directing the world to worship this false messiah.  Every autocrat needs a way into religion in order to really get what he wants.  We saw this with Hitler in the 1940's when he attempted to use the Catholic Church as one of his agents.  We see it in other countries around the world as well.  Leader X will work side by side with his religious icon in order to sway people away from the real God.  He will require you to have his mark in order to go grocery shopping or ride the bus.  If you do not take it willingly, you will be punished or persecuted.  In the days of Jesus, it was not uncommon for governments to require some type of insignia in order to make things official.  The Roman empire for example, used a certain eagle symbol to identify itself.  This mark from Revelation could very well be some type of symbol or insignia denoting this malevolent leader.  

Scripture also says that God will deliver the followers of this Antichrist a 'Great Lie' which will deceive many.  We don't know what this deception will be.  Some have postulated that it might be a false religion, while others say it will come in the guise of a unified international government.  No one really knows of course, but from Scripture we can tell that millions of people will take the bait and sign on.  

It is important to note here that most of the world (along with nominal, lukewarm Christians) will succumb to the lie and take the mark.  They will be excited to do so - encouraging friends and family to go ahead and get the mark.  They will be lost and without salvation at that point.  This period of time will be difficult for the true believer.  They will be hungry, persecuted, and rounded up or even put to death.  My point is this: the only way you will be able to identify this evil person for what he really is, is if you are born again by water and the Spirit through Jesus Christ.  You must also keep careful watch, and be able to align the different signs of the times with what the Bible teaches.  Scripture says that even the religious elect may fall victim to the great lie as well, so simply listening to your priest or pastor may not be sufficient.  You will need to think critically for yourself.    

Scholars have noted that the principalities of evil will use what is known as a false trinity during this time.  Instead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit … you will be witness to Satan, the beast, and his false prophet.  The Bible even mentions that there may be an attempt to mimic the resurrection - that the beast will recover from a mortal physical wound and the world will be mesmerized by this recovery.  There will be false signs and miracles performed for all to see as well; it will be easy to believe what Leader X says.    

Remember that Jesus is the light of the world, so keep your eyes on him.  This is good advice both now, and whenever this tribulation finally comes upon the Earth.  Don't spend so much time worrying about eschatology, we won't be in control anyway.  Much of what we are discussing now will sound crazy to those outside of the church in fact; they put no stock in prophecy or religion.  But to those who have ears, let them hear, and remember always that God lights the path upon which we walk.


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