Monday, September 16, 2019

The Honeymoon Phase

We have all heard of the infamous 'honeymoon phase' of a relationship.  It's that exciting time right after you meet someone new, when you just can't get enough of them.  Your thoughts point toward that person frequently throughout the day.  You find yourself daydreaming about how good life would be with them.  This type of new couple tends to fawn over each other out in public.  You get the idea.  

According to a recent survey conducted by 'her magazine', this honeymoon period tends to last around 13 months ... give or take.  I've heard some estimates as high as one to three years.  But then, eventually, this euphoric period comes to an end.  It is at this point, that you are left with the real person - warts and all.  The cute little things they used to do when you first met them may now be extremely annoying.  You have awakened from the dream state of slumber, and reality has set in.  

When we discuss spiritual things, I can't help but think of what it's like to be a new Christian.  Everything is so new and exciting.  There is a thirst for Biblical knowledge and existential meaning.  All of a sudden, God shows us this realm of truth that we haven't yet experienced during any other time in our life. 

In some circles, they refer to these folks as 'Baby Christians.'  Though I find this term slightly derogatory, they are most definitely in the honeymoon stage with God.  He is often answering prayers, engaging peoples' hearts and minds, and showing them a whole new world.  Sometimes there is zeal without knowledge, and we might say or do things that offend other people during this time.  Often we cannot blame the baby Christian; they are new at this.  

I remember this phase of my own life.  It was like God gave me two years or so, in order that I might read and research all about Him.  I wasn't necessarily active in the church yet, just a seeker looking for answers.  What an exciting time to be alive!

But the question always looms in the background.  Do we stay Baby Christians forever ... or do we grow up and mature?  After all, the honeymoon stage can't last forever.  We should eventually graduate up to that next thing that God has in store for us.  

Hebrews 5:12 says this about the situation: "In fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again.  You need milk, not solid food!"

True enough - we cannot stay infants for long; nor should we.  What the author of Hebrews was describing here is exactly what we should guard against.  When it is time for God to grow us, we need to move on to solid food.  We need to gain an understanding about what God has done in our lives, how we are to forgive other people, and the ways in which the Holy Spirit moves throughout the body of the church.

I once preached a sermon about knowing and understanding the 'Big Five' points of the Christian faith.  In that sermon, I touched on things like the resurrection of Jesus, the second coming, the Trinity, repentance, and the atonement for the forgiveness of sins.  All things that I believe a mature Christian needs to be thinking about and applying to their lives.  This is solid food, good for nurturing the soul and evangelizing other people.

But what do we find when we look inside some churches today?  Do we see mature Christians practicing humble repentance, forgiveness, and living in the Spirit?  This is hard to say.  We all know that one person who maybe exhibits these characteristics from that one church we went to a long, long time ago ... right?  But just think how wonderful it would be if we found this to be true most of the time, and in most churches. 

The stakes are high on this one.  In my opinion, it certainly appears that Jesus wants us to switch over to solid food as soon as possible.  According to the Bible, we are to seek his face and his guidance as we pursue the things of God.  We are to 'stay in the vine' as it were (John 15), because without Jesus, we can accomplish nothing.  Nothing that matters in the eternal sense, at any rate.  Money, houses, cars, and status will all be worthless by the time you and I pass away.  In fact, most likely they will be given to someone else after we are gone.  Let that sink in for a moment.

Scripture also says that the mature Christian should stand out in a crowd.  That we should be a lamp on a lamp stand, such that those around us may take notice of the light being generated.  But we dare not become arrogant, as this light is from God.  It was never just us; you know that, don't you?

May God continue to work in our day-to-day lives.  May He bless you and your family, and coax you gently into moving forward with your personal development.  I also pray that each of you reading this have the courage and forethought to recognize when He is leading you toward that plan.  The plan to mold us into disciples of the living Jesus (and not just followers).  A plan to prosper and grow us. 

If you are just beginning to explore God's truth, then relax and enjoy the ride.  In fact, I think God enjoys it also.  If you have been a practicing Christian for several years, then hopefully you are on solid food.  Milk and formula will only sustain us for a short while.  Sooner or later, we must all take a stab at sitting at the grown-up table.  The food is more flavorful there anyway.

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