Wednesday, August 26, 2009

God in Motion

Often when prayers get answered, we don't know how to react. One of my recent prayers was in fact answered. I asked for something, and God granted it through the vehicle of His church. When it comes to the responsibility of keeping the Faith and living out the Bible, we imperfect humans often get it wrong. To borrow from the author Francis Collins, we are a lot like "rusty containers" carrying great spiritual truths. But when we get it right, we get it right - and this bears testimony to the greatest good there is, that which is God.

Thank you Mike & friends (you know who you are). Peace and Grace.

- Jon


1 comment:

  1. God ALWAYS answers prayer, sometimes the answer is NO or not now. During my daughter's pregnancy in 2007, I prayed for her safety ~as young pregnant women all over the country seemed to be under attack. After Lacy Peterson, and the young military woman who was killed, several others. However, in January 2008, my daughter and her unborn daughter were killed in a car accident. I know God answers prayer. She is resting in His arms, and there is no better place. We must rejoice in all things, and I will rejoice in this. My comfort comes not from understanding His plan, my comfort comes from knowing that there IS a plan.


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