Sunday, May 31, 2009
Is There any Non-Biblical Evidence that Jesus Existed?

Friday, May 29, 2009
Not God... Just Aliens?!?!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
The 10 Commandments... Do They Still Apply?

Remember these things?!?! Here is a quick review (and yes they DO still apply today). My own interpretation follows each item in parenthesis:
1.) You shall have no other gods before me (worship the one true God please!!!)
2.) You shall have no graven images (don't worship something man-made)
3.) Don't take the Lord's name in vain (use your own name to curse please, not "Jesus Christ"!)
4.) Remember the Sabbath (go to church on Sunday, not to work)
5.) Honor thy father and mother (respect your parents, after all they changed your diapers!!!)
6.) Thou Shalt not murder (this also means don't harbor anger toward someone else)
7.) Thou Shalt not commit adultery (this includes lusting in general!)
8.) Thou Shall not steal ('nuff said)
9.) Do not bear false witness against thy neighbor (no lying please, we have enough politicians already)
10.) Do not covet (appreciate what you have, you don't need your buddy's stuff)
The Law of Universal Morality

A.) Human Beings find within themselves, a law pressing down that wants to direct their actions to do “the right thing”.
B.) This is not evolutionary herd instinct: the desire to help someone in danger could very well be some time of herd preservation instinct, but not that thing which says, “you ought to help, whether you want to or not”. This is entirely different.
C.) Anyone who claims that there is no real Right or Wrong, if tested, will go back on this a moment later. He may break a promise to you, but try breaking a promise to him! He will be crying foul just as quickly as anyone else.
D.) Someone caught breaking this law, will usually attempt to explain away the reason they broke the law in the first place… they will NOT bother to discredit the law itself.
E.) Not just a learned behavior. The moral law can be taught by parents and teachers easy enough. But it was not INVENTED by them. It existed before there were parents and teachers, and will exist after. Consider from mathematics the multiplication table. 5 x 5 = 25, no matter what!
F.) Let’s consider levels of morality. The minute you make the statement that one set of morality is better or worse than another (Nazi Morality vs. Christian morality for example), then you are judging it against a higher standard. And this standard that measures these 2 things is DIFFERENT than either of the 2 propositions.
G.) Observations then: A.) the moral law must be something above and beyond the facts of human behavior. Besides behavior alone, you have something else – a real law which we did not invent, but know we ought to obey. B.) from this we can extrapolate that whatever is behind this law is something like a mind, and is concerned with fair play, unselfishness, truthfulness, and right conduct.
Some Points About Evolution

B.) As such, I think the theory of Evolution proper has caused much confusion. And in particular, as it pertains to some folk using this theory to discredit Christianity -- I feel the need to mention that this is a complete Red Herring or distraction. As Dr. William Lane Craig has noted, Genesis 1 in the Bible leaves itself open to a wide range of interpretations, not necessarily counting out that one creature can give rise to another. The important thing comes into play when we discuss the point at which man received his “human-ness”. That is the real question, not what events preceded it.
C.) G.K. Chesterton relates this very well in his book The Everlasting Man. In it he reminds us that once we strip away all of the popular literature about what the cave-man may or may not have looked like, about what he may or may not have done; we are left with the actual evidence presented to us. One piece of evidence being the cave paintings of early man.
D.) Chesterton writes: “It is the simple truth that man does differ from the brutes in kind and not in degree; and the proof of it is here; that it sounds like a truism to say that the most primitive man drew a picture of a monkey and that it sounds like a joke to say that the most intelligent monkey drew a picture of a man…. Art is the signature of man”.
E.) Commenting on evolution again, Chesterton writes, “For in the plain matter like the pictures (meaning cave paintings) there is in fact not a trace of any such development or degree. Monkeys did not begin pictures and men finish them; Pithecanthropus did not draw a reindeer badly, and Homo Sapiens drew it well. The higher animals did not draw better and better portraits.”
F.) I would respectfully add to this (as both many scientists and philosophers have), that the scientific specifics of how man came to be man – strictly speaking - remain a mystery. To pretend that Darwin’s theory has solved it I suspect would make even Darwin blush. To debate about it too long demonstrates only that we have missed the point, or taken the path of misdirection. The important thing is that at some point in time; man became man, and no longer just an animal. The Bible addresses that truth, and reminds us that we exist in the image of God. Science and history simply give us time-lines and imaginative hypothesis.
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