Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Book Coming from 'A Logical Faith'

Well it has been some time coming, but my book manuscript is almost 100% complete. The working title is: The God Circle: In Search of the Logical Christian Faith. It is a compilation of many of the different blog postings from this website, in conjunction with some new material, and also a list of appendices. During my faith walk these last 2 years or so, I had often thought about transferring the content discussed on the blog into a book which would challenge both believer and non-believer to examine many of the ideas they hold about God and Faith. I believe I have achieved that goal.

I am currently trying to decide whether or not to self-publish, or go through an agent and sign with a professional publishing house. I am investigating both options. I am also in prayer about it, and I'm sure that whichever path I go down, God will be at the center. It has been a wild ride already, and there are a few people screening the manuscript even as I write this.

So keep an eye out for the book in the near future. I will also keep you all abreast of things on this blog once it has gone to print. Thanks to all the people and faithful readers of this website that have helped bring this day to fruition. I really appreciate you!

- Jon


God is Good

The Bible tells us that God is good. Many of us know this experientially as well. Last week a good friend of mine at work informed me that after 20-some years of hoping and praying, God moved in the heart of her elderly father, and he decided to receive Christ. This is overwhelmingly good news, and my friend's face was absolutely glowing when she told me. I have to admit, it made my day also.

What does something like this say to you and I? I believe it reminds us that time doesn't have the same meaning for us as it does for Him. 5 years, 10 years, 20 years... everything happens according to the proper season and at the perfect time. I enjoy hearing stories about God showing up. I enjoy them even more when they happen to the people around me, so I can experience the joy with them, and also be reminded first-hand that God really is in charge.


God's Call on Our Lives

I can think of no greater defender of the Gospel message than the apostle Paul.  Prior to his radical conversion on the road to Damascus, Sa...